Emperra | Company

Emperra GmbH E-Health Technologies is a research- and development-driven digital medical-technology company providing highly innovative approaches and solutions in the fields of e-health technologies and telediabetology.

Emperra combines innovative software with future-oriented hardware, integrating these into a basic medical/scientific concept to provide telemedicine product systems for patients with diabetes mellitus.

The company is controlled by leading venture capital firms and institutional investors. If you are interested in becoming an investor, please contact us.

The CE-certified ESYSTA system is currently available in Germany. A scientifically controlled study for application as a reimbursable digital health application (DiGA) is currently being completed.

Based on these results, the management is working on a permanent listing in the German DiGA directory with successful completion in the first half of 2025.

Based on the permanent business model once established in the core market, Emperra is also planning to further develop the business model. Therefore, Emperra is currently in a process with strategic partners to explore business options with an international focus for a subsequent exit.


Dr. med. Janko Schildt


Founder & CEO
Chief Executive Officer

  • Founder of Emperra with more than 26 years of experience as a clinical paediatrician
  • Many years of experience in regulatory affairs, information security and product innovation
  • Member of i.a. DDG, GPGE, DG Telemed, Wirtschaftsrat e.V.

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Dr. med. Horst Mertens

(M.D., MBA)

(Chief Operating Officer & Chief Business
Developmement Officer)

  • > 20 years experience in various senior management functions in Pharma / Biotech / Med.-Tech
  • Executive Consulting &Interim Management
  • Leading Operations in Medical, Marketing, Sales, Finance
  • Investor Relations & Strategic Partnerships

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Jens-Florian Krieg

(Dipl. Economist)

(Chief Financial Officer

  • Proven track record in classical Finance Functions such as Financial Planning
  • Many year of experience in legal and process controlling of the German healthcare system
  • Investor communication with a focus on the start-up sector

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Contact us:


+49 (0) 331 979 3480-0